European Intergenerational Support Career Development Initiative - Designing an innovative approach to intergenerational adult learning in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic1.
Apreca is the lead partner in the INTERGEN project, which brings together 8 partners from 7 EU Member States. The idea for INTERGEN arose from discussions at the conference on the future of VET held in Helsinki on 11-13 November 2019. Partly from the results of an intergenerational pilot study in Iceland and partly from observations that low-skilled adult learners at both ends of the age spectrum face significant difficulties in acquiring the skills needed to access learning opportunities and gain employment. There is a gap between the learning required by these target groups for the development of formal and/or non-formal competences and resources currently available.
The INTERGEN project aims to bridge this gap by producing 4 outputs that lead to a "win-win" scenario - the young and older target groups have skills and knowledge that the other group needs in order to become more competitive in gaining employment.
Firstly, we will research and design an INTERGEN BRIDGE method to facilitate social inclusion through intergenerational learning, enabling young and older adults who are unemployed to learn from each other and develop mutual respect. We will develop opportunities for the acquisition of key competences, digital skills and entrepreneurship, tailored to the needs of our target groups. We will take into account the cultural differences and specific needs of partner countries in order to produce an adaptable programme for effective implementation across the EU.
We will create learning materials for employment agencies, career guidance centres, adult educators and institutions based on the Community of Practice model in order to apply the INTERGEN BRIDGE method in an interesting and interactive way, adapted to both target groups.
We will develop training modules on the development of key competences, adapted to both target groups, using an innovative methodology based on partner work.
We will then produce video tutorials and e-learning activities to facilitate access to the labour market and link learning under the INTERGEN programme with EU tools, such as the Europass CV to showcases their skills to the potential employer. These tutorials will become even more important in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Project summary:
INTERGEN Newsletter 1: